Brain Health

Reverse Alzheimer’s… With Grapes?

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Reverse Alzheimer’s… With Grapes? about undefined
Who doesn’t love grapes? They’re sweet and juicy and make the perfect partner for your favorite cheese and crackers. Now, research shows there’s another reason to grab a handful of grapes that has nothing to do with their delicious taste: their ability to fight Alzheimer’s disease. That’s right! A new study finds that getting more grapes can help you prevent, stop, and even reverse this memory-robbing disease. The only problem? You have to eat the right amount to see these brain-boosting benefits. Here’s everything you need to know… For the new study, researchers from UCLA gave a group of ten seniors with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) either grape powder or a placebo every day for six months. Both groups received an amount of powder equivalent to 2.25 cups of grapes. All participants underwent cognitive testing and brain scans at the beginning and end of the study to establish disease progression and brain metabolic function. At the end of the study, the researchers found that folks in the grape group experienced better metabolic function in areas of the brain linked to memory and cognition. In fact, the grape powder helped them maintain a healthy metabolism in areas of the brain where Alzheimer’s typically appears, a benefit not seen by the placebo group.1 “The study examines the impact of grapes as a whole fruit versus isolated compounds and the results suggest that regular intake of grapes may provide a protective effect against early decline associated with Alzheimer’s disease,” said Dr. Daniel H. Silverman, lead investigator of the study. “This pilot study contributes to the growing evidence that supports a beneficial role for grapes in neurologic and cardiovascular health, however more clinical studies with larger groups of subjects are needed to confirm the effects observed here.”2

How Do Grapes Help Your Memory?

Experts believe grapes are effective against Alzheimer’s disease because they contain certain antioxidants – like resveratrol – that help increase blood flow to your brain while simultaneously lowering memory-robbing inflammation. A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicenter, 52-week, phase two trial of resveratrol in individuals with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease found that folks taking daily supplements saw improvements in disease markers.3 Other research shows that resveratrol can help fight cancer, heart disease, and diabetes as well.4 This means getting more grapes can keep your mind – and body – healthy well into your golden years.

How To Get More Grapes In Your Diet

The study reports that 2.25 cups of grapes is the effective dose if you want to shield your brain from Alzheimer’s disease. Add them to your smoothies and salads, or just have them as a snack. And remember that the darker the grape, the more antioxidant power it has. If you’re anything like us, you may struggle to figure out where you’ll add 2.25 cups of grapes to your daily diet. While eating grapes is certainly a good thing for your brain, supplements are widely available. Grape supplements– including grape powders similar to those used in the research, and that potent extract called resveratrol – are easily found through online retailers. It’s the easiest way to get the brain benefits of the humble grape and will spare you from eating them all day. In fact, here at Green Valley Natural Solutions, we believe so strongly in the benefits of grapes that we formulated our brain health formula, Advanced Brain Power, with resveratrol (among other cutting-edge nutrients) for next-level memory support. Best Regards, The Awakening From Alzheimer’s Team
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