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Cognizin®: Nature's Secret for Sharper Learning, Attention, Focus, and Memory

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Cognizin®: Nature's Secret for Sharper Learning, Attention, Focus, and Memory about undefined

Your brain comprises only two percent of your body weight. Yet it powers everything you do day in and day out... including every decision, every movement, and every interaction with the world around you. So, to say it's worth protecting your brain is one giant understatement.

There's a key nutrient that the medical establishment has shunned —a potent brain health nutrient and powerhouse that precious few people even know about that can help support mental energy and help you stay alert. It's called Cognizin®.

Key Takeaways

  • Cognizin®, a patented form of citicoline, supports brain health by enhancing focus, attention, memory, and cognitive performance.
  • Citicoline aids in producing phosphatidylcholine, which is crucial for cell membrane integrity and neurotransmitter production, including acetylcholine and dopamine.
  • Many people are at risk of cognitive decline due to insufficient dietary intake of choline, highlighting the importance of considering supplementation with Cognizin® for optimal brain function.

What is Cognizin®?

Cognizin® is a patented nootropic that delivers citicoline when delivered as a supplement (called CDP-choline when it's produced by the body) to your brain to support focus, attention, memory and support mental energy. Cognizin®, a proprietary blend of citicoline, could be the missing piece of your daily brain health routine. [1]

A nootropic is a supplement designed to enhance brain performance -- whether done by younger folks to hack productivity... or by older folks to preserve focus, attention, and memory, and avoid memory loss. The goal of taking a nootropic is to feel more mentally sharp, productive, and energetic so you can stay alert.

Of course, you might also be wondering what exactly citicoline is and why you should care. Let's explore that for a second. Citicoline is a natural substance produced by your body for brain health. It helps build the membranes of brain cells -- acting as a support structure to keep those membranes strong and flexible.

Citicoline also boosts brain chemicals needed for thinking, learning, and memory. That's why citicoline is taken as a supplement by people who want to boost their brain power, improve their focus, and maximize their careers.

Cognizin® Citicoline Improves Brain Cell Communication

Cognizin® citicoline supports brain health by making phosphatidylcholine (PC), promoting neurogenesis, improving mitochondrial function, increasing neurotransmitter production, protecting against brain cell death, and reducing inflammation.

Promotes Phosphatidylcholine

With citicoline, you give your brain the benefits of both choline and cytidine, the component of citicoline that plays a crucial role in the function of nucleic acids, RNA and DNA, and supports the creation of phosphatidylcholine, a key component of your cell membranes. This is crucial for cellular integrity inside the brain and to support mental energy.

What's phosphatidycholine? It's a phospholipid that makes the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is critical for memory, movement, and even metabolic health.

Scientists believe phosphatidylcholine aids the production of several key neurotransmitters -- chemical messengers responsible for transmitting signals within the brain and elsewhere.

Boost Your Memory Neurotransmitters

Citicoline supports the synthesis of important neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine and dopamine -- both of which play key roles in mood, memory, and overall cognition. Acetylcholine is critical for learning and memory, while dopamine is involved in motivation and reward. By boosting the levels of these neurotransmitters, citicoline can enhance cognitive function and brain plasticity.

Supports New Brain Cells

Neurogenesis is the process by which new neurons are formed in the brain. Citicoline helps promote neurogenesis, particularly in areas of the brain associated with memory and learning, such as the hippocampus. By supporting the growth of new neurons, citicoline can contribute to better brain function and support mental energy.

Strengthens Mitochondrial Function

Citicoline has been shown to improve mitochondrial function and enhance the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the primary energy currency of cells. Improved energy production supports the metabolic demands of neurons and may enhance their survival and function.

Reduces Inflammation

Citicoline has anti-inflammatory effects that can protect the brain from chronic inflammation, which is associated with neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive decline. By reducing inflammation, citicoline helps preserve neuronal health and grey matter.

A study with adults addicted to methamphetamines suggested citicoline Cognizin® increased grey matter in the brain, and reduced feelings of addictiveness. [9]

Feel Your Brain Function Improve

People are getting noticeable results from supplementing with Cognizin®.

Improve Accuracy and Concentration by 7.4 Times

The McGlade 2012 random controlled trial in healthy adult women found that those taking placebo instead of 250 mg of Cognizin® citicholine made 7.4 TIMES more errors (omission) than those taking citicoline. And this was with just 28 days of a daily routine of supplementation with Cognizin®. That suggests a 7.4 times improvement in work accuracy with citicholine... a truly simple way to biohack your brain for better performance. [10]

Stay Alert for Better Learning and Mental Recall

Cognizin® improved overall cognitive function across many age groups. Let me count the ways...

A study of healthy adolescent males found that 4 weeks of supplementation improved attention and psychomotor speed (which is motor speed while performing cognitive tasks). [6]

Other studies showed improvements in verbal memory, immediate and delayed recall of words and objects in older adults with cognitive impairment following citicoline supplementation. [7]

A study using a citicoline-caffeine beverage showed that participants had improvements in attention, mental alertness, and memory in healthy adults. [8] Since caffeine was also involved in this study, it's not been determined whether it was the citicoline or the caffeine that created more benefits.

A study of 60 healthy middle-aged women were given either 250 mg, 500 mg, or placebo for 28 days. Both the citicoline groups outperformed the placebo group in cognitive tests testing for both commission and omission errors. [10]

Protect and Preserve Your Memory

A 12-week randomized controlled trial found that Cognizin® supplementation at 500mg/day significantly boosted overall memory performance, especially in episodic memory in healthy older adults with age-related memory impairment compared to placebo. [5]

What's episodic memory? Episodic memory is the ability to recall specific events or episodes of your life in detail. Episodic memory is highly autobiographical, as it is unique to your own personal experience and the emotions surrounding that event. By contrast, semantic memory is the ability to remember more general information.

Give Your Brain More Energy

ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is a primary measure of energy in the body, obtained and processed from food and supplements. A 2008 study found that healthy middle aged adults who took 500 mg of Cognizin® citicoline for six weeks had a 13.6% improvement in ATP levels in the brain, suggesting that citicoline can improve brain bioenergetics and support mental energy. [11]

Citicoline -- Why You Almost Certainly Need MORE!

Citicoline is essential for human brain health. Research shows that 92 percent of Americans are deficient in choline. And older brains are at the greatest risk. [3] So why are so many people so deficient in a nutrient the brain clearly needs to function well?

Perhaps one of the biggest reasons people are so deficient in citicoline is the demonizing of eggs and organ meats by the medical establishment for "promoting high cholesterol levels." Of course, we now know that high-cholesterol foods have nothing to do with high body cholesterol levels. So perhaps the best thing you can do is add eggs back into your daily diet. But that's probably not enough to make up for insufficiency...

Aging: Other Reasons You May be Deficient

Also as you age, your brain's ability to take in choline naturally declines. And the difference is dramatic. Older brains absorb from 3.75 (men and women) to 7 times (men) LESS choline than younger brains. Your gut can absorb choline but its ability to pass the blood-brain barrier and absorb into the brain declines dramatically with age. [4]

But just because you're in your 20s or 30s doesn't mean you get a free pass. For one thing, these are years when neurohacking for top mental performance is popular -- whether for academic, professional, or personal reasons. Younger brains are fueled by Cognizin® citicoline just as older brains are.

Traumatic brain injuries can increase your need for citicoline, as it helps repair neuron membranes, and restores function of brain cells post-injury.

Avoid the Memory Sapping-Dangers of "Autocannibalism"

When choline is insufficient, the brain can't make enough acetylcholine to transmit signals across nerve endings. That's when nerve endings start stealing choline from the membranes -- creating a condition known as autocannibalism.

You see, brain cells have a protective outer layer, the membrane, which is made up of phosphatidylcholine. Phosphatidylcholine keeps the membranes healthy and functioning well.

In people with memory loss a process breaks down phosphatidylcholine and releases choline, which is used to make acetylcholine. When too much phosphatidylcholine breaks down, there's less phosphatidylcholine in the membrane and less overall surface area. These changes compromise the membrane and weaken the brain cells.

Over time this damages the entire brain cell and triggers brain decline, contributing to memory loss.

The health of brain cell membranes is crucial, and the breakdown process can lead to significant problems with brain cell communication and health.

For healthy folks of all ages, taking Cognizin® citicoline (CDP-choline) is a great preventive strategy for those who want to neurohack their brains and dance through their "golden years" with a reduced risk of age-related issues such as memory disorders.

How To Increase Your Citicoline Levels

One way to boost your citicoline levels is to consume cytidine- and choline-rich foods. Citicoline is made of cytidine and choline. [1] Cytidine is found mostly in organ meats and eggs. However, as already mentioned, most people eat too few organ meats and eggs to obtain adequate levels. [2]

For foods rich in choline, consume the following foods (list provided by National Institutes of Health):

  • Beef liver, pan-fried, 3 ounces (356 mg per serving)
  • Egg, hard-boiled, 1 large egg (147 mg per serving)
  • Beef top round, lean only, braised, 3 ounces (117 mg per serving)
  • Chicken breast, roasted, 3 ounces (72 mg per serving)
  • Beef, ground, 93% lean meat, broiled, 3 ounces (72 mg per serving)
  • Fish, cod, Atlantic, cooked, dry heat, 3 ounces (71 mg per serving)
  • Canned kidney beans, one-half cup (45 mg per serving)
  • Cooked Quinoa, 1 cup (43 mg per serving)
  • Brussels sprouts, boiled, one-half cup (32 mg per serving)
  • Broccoli, chopped, boiled, drained, one-half cup (31 mg per serving) [foods, supplements]

Taking Citicoline

Citicoline occurs naturally in the body and is nontoxic and safe. Citicoline of up to 1 g per day taken orally has been shown to be safe and well-tolerated. Many studies have used 250mg and 500 mg.

Cognizin® has been clinically tested in human trials and developed using a patented fermentation process.

Just think about how you could biohack your brain function with Cognizin® citicoline! Studies show it can do so much and support mental energy by...

  • Supplying acetylcholine precursors, which are required for good memory.
  • Promoting healthy communication signals between brain cells.
  • Supporting healthy brain cell membranes.
  • Protecting brain cell structure from free radical damage.
  • Supporting dopamine production.
  • Sustaining healthy brain mitochondria.

Citicoline vs Choline: What's the Difference?

Citicoline (Cognizin®) and choline play key roles in brain health, but they aren't the same. Choline is a water-soluble nutrient that performs several functions, including forming neurotransmitters. By contrast, citicoline takes the choline and makes phosphatidylcholine.

Citicoline vs CDP-Choline

As mentioned earlier, CDP-Choline is another name for citicoline. CDP stands for “cytidine diphosphate.” Typically it's called citicoline when referring to the supplement, and CDP-choline when referring to the naturally-occuring compound. [2]

By incorporating citicoline into your routine you provide your brain with the advantages offered by both choline and cytidine.

Brain Vitality Plus with Cognizin® citicoline

One way to combine Cognizin® with other potent brain health nutrients for great brain support is to take Green Valley Naturals Brain Vitality Plus.

Brain Vitality Plus contains four critical ingredients to support various aspects of your brain's health:

  • NeuroFactor®-- supports your brain's ability to make BDNF, a critical protein to support attention and focus.
  • Domestically sourced and sustainable omega-3 fatty acid, DHA.
  • Bacopa monnieri to support learning, memory, and attention span.
  • Cognizin® citicoline to keep brain cell membranes healthy and mental recall strong.


Cognizin®, a patented form of citicoline, is a powerful nutrient for brain health, enhancing focus, attention, memory, and cognitive performance. Citicoline aids in the production of phosphatidylcholine, crucial for cell membrane integrity and neurotransmitter production, including acetylcholine and dopamine. Many people, especially older adults, risk cognitive decline due to insufficient dietary choline, making supplementation essential. This nootropic supports brain function by promoting neurogenesis, improving mitochondrial function, reducing inflammation, and protecting against brain cell death. Studies have shown that Cognizin® can improve cognitive functions across various age groups, making it a valuable supplement for maintaining and enhancing brain health.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cognizin®?

Cognizin® is a proprietary form of citicoline that supports healthy brain function, memory, attention, recall and helps support mental energy. [1]

What does Cognizin® do?

Cognizin® enhances cognitive function by aiding the production of key neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine and dopamine, which are crucial for learning, memory and mood regulation. It helps promote the formation of new neurons, particularly in areas of the brain associated with memory and learning, such as the hippocampus. It also maintains cell membrane integrity and improves mitochondrial function as well as has anti-inflammatory properties which protect against cognitive decline.

What is another name for citicoline?

Citicoline is sometimes called CDP-coline. CDP stands for “cytidine diphosphate.” Typically it's called citicoline when referring to the supplement, and CDP-choline when referring to the naturally-occurring compound. Cognizin® is the branded form that has been thoroughly studied in laboratory and clinical research.

What is the best form of choline for memory?

The best form of choline for memory that's been studied the most is the proprietary form Cognizin®.

  1. Synoradzki K, Grieb P. Citicoline: A superior form of choline?. Nutrients. 2019;11(7):1569. doi:10.3390/nu11071569.
  2. Young JF, Therkildsen M, Ekstrand B, et al. Novel aspects of health promoting compounds in meat. Meat Sci. 2013;95(4):904-911. doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2013.04.036.
  3. Wallace 2017
  4. Cohen 1995
  5. Eri Nakazaki, Eunice Mah, Kristen Sanoshy, Danielle Citrolo, and Fumiko Watanabe. Cognizin® Citicoline Improves Overall Memory and Episodic Memory in Healthy Older Adults. Journal of Nutrition. 21 August 2021, 2153-2160.
  6. McGlade E, Agoston AM, DiMuzio J, Kizaki M, Nakazaki E, Kamiya T, Yurgelun-Todd D. The Effect of Citicoline Supplementation on Motor Speed and Attention in Adolescent Males. J Atten Disord. 2019 Jan;23(2):121-134. doi: 10.1177/1087054715593633. Epub 2015 Jul 15. PMID: 26179181.
  7. McGlade E, Agoston AM, DiMuzio J, Kizaki M, Nakazaki E, Kamiya T, Yurgelun-Todd D. The Effect of Citicoline Supplementation on Motor Speed and Attention in Adolescent Males. J Atten Disord. 2019 Jan;23(2):121-134. doi: 10.1177/1087054715593633. Epub 2015 Jul 15. PMID: 26179181.
  8. Bruce SE, Werner KB, Preston BF, et al. Improvements in concentration, working memory, and sustained attention following consumption of a natural citicoline-caffeine beverage. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2014;65(8):1003-1007. doi:10.3109/09637486.2014.940286.
  9. Jeong H, Yoon S, Sung YH, et al. Effects of cytidine-5'-diphosphate choline on gray matter volumes in methamphetamine-dependent patients: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. J Psychiatr Res. 2021;143:215-221. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.09.006
  10. E. McGlade, A. Locatelli, J. Hardy, T. Kamiya, M. Morita, K. Morishita, Y. Sugimura and D. Yurgelun-Todd, "Improved Attentional Performance Following Citicoline Administration in Healthy Adult Women," Food and Nutrition Sciences, Vol. 3 No. 6, 2012, pp. 769-773.
  11. Silveri MM, Dikan J, Ross AJ, Jensen JE, Kamiya T, Kawada Y, Renshaw PF, Yurgelun-Todd DA. Citicoline enhances frontal lobe bioenergetics as measured by phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy. NMR Biomed. 2008 Nov;21(10):1066-75. doi: 10.1002/nbm.1281. PMID: 18816480.

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