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Ancient Exercise Improves Memory

ReviewedReviewed by Susan Clark

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Ancient Exercise Improves Memory about undefined

For centuries, yoga has been praised for enhancing physical strength and flexibility, but its impact on brain health is only now being fully understood. New scientific research confirms what ancient traditions have long claimed—yoga can sharpen memory, slow cognitive decline, and promote long-term brain health. How does this simple yet profound practice achieve such remarkable benefits? Let’s explore the latest findings that reveal yoga’s powerful effects on the mind.

Key Takeaways

  • Yoga Enhances Brain Connectivity: Studies reveal that long-term yoga practice strengthens functional brain connectivity, leading to healthier cognitive aging and improved decision-making.<

  • Reduces Inflammation and Slows Brain Aging: Research indicates that yoga can lower stress hormones, decrease inflammation, and boost proteins that protect against neurodegeneration.

  • Improves Physical and Mental Well-being: Beyond its cognitive benefits, yoga enhances mobility, flexibility, and balance while also reducing anxiety, depression, and the risk of falls in seniors.

Stronger Mind, Stronger Body: The Cognitive Benefits of Yoga You Need to Know

The ancient exercise of yoga is claimed to have multiple physical benefits - improving mobility, balance, and strength while preventing or slowing frailty. It’s also said to offer mental health benefits and protect your memory against cognitive decline.

Until recently, scientific backing for these claims has been lacking, but now results from multiple, well-designed studies have revealed that the health benefits of yoga are more than just folklore.

how the new science can help you…

The roots of yoga can be traced back 3000 years to ancient India. By the 15th century, 84 different physical postures had been developed forming a tradition that was said to heal the body, mind, and soul. Today, yoga is available in many different types and forms to suit just about anyone. Some forms of yoga help those with physical or medical limitations. Others support people with certain health conditions. Still others focus on the mind, employing meditation, rhythmic breathing, relaxation, and guided imagery.

An approach that employs traditional yoga postures and meditation is now shown in numerous studies to improve the health of your memory.

Multiple Memory Benefits

Since the aging process alters connections between neural networks in the brain that impact working memory, attention, and decision-making, researchers conducted a study to see if yoga could make a positive difference.

Researchers compared twenty women, with an average age of 66 and who practiced yoga at least twice a week for eight years, to a closely matched group of twenty women who didn’t practice yoga.

At the end of the study, the yoga group had better functional brain connectivity compared to controls. The researchers concluded that yoga leads to "a healthier cognitive aging process."

Boosts The Health Of Brain Structures

In another study that examined functional markers of aging, a research group led by the University of Southern California examined the effect of yoga on 38 healthy individuals, an average age of 35, who attended a three-month yoga and meditation retreat.

The research team found a significant three-fold increase in BDNF (a protein that protects against brain aging), an increase in the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (suggesting enhanced stress resilience), an increase in the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 and a decrease in the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-12. Participants also showed significant improvements in depression and anxiety scores, as well as improvements to various related physical symptoms.

Researchers at the University of Illinois and Wayne State University in Detroit carried out a systematic review of yoga's impact on brain structure, function, and cerebral blood flow from brain scans.

They concluded that "the studies demonstrate a positive effect of yoga practice on the structure and/or function of the hippocampus, amygdala, prefrontal cortex, cingulate cortex, and brain may hold promise to mitigate age-related and neurodegenerative declines as many of the regions identified are known to demonstrate significant age-related atrophy."

Lowers Inflammation, Reduces Brain Aging

One study followed 96 healthy individuals who received a yoga and meditation-based lifestyle intervention. After 12 weeks, researchers analyzed changes in key blood markers of cellular aging and other markers linked to brain aging.

The researchers found a significant reduction in DNA damage, free radical levels, and levels of the stress hormone cortisol, as well as interleukin 6 (IL-6) -- a marker of inflammation.

Researchers also found significant increases in the levels of antioxidants, the activity of telomerase (the enzyme that lengthens telomeres), and beta-endorphin (a hormone that lowers free radicals and inflammation while boosting immunity). In addition, the team tracked increases in BDNF, and surtuin-1, described as a longevity gene.

Greater Physical Mobility And Strength In Seniors

The most recent research review, led by the University of Arizona, highlighted the above evidence and added findings specifically focused on middle-aged and older participants.

These included a reduction in anxiety and depression, improved muscle flexibility and range of motion, more overall back and abdominal muscle strength, greater spinal mobility, better balance, greater physical mobility, reduced risk for slips and falls, improved mental well-being, enhanced sleep, and quality of life.

When surveyed, seniors held positive beliefs about yoga, but those who didn’t practice yoga were concerned about its difficulty and the risk of injury. If this applies to you, this shouldn't be an issue for you as long as a suitable beginner-level class is available in your area.

For instance, Gentle Years Yoga caters specifically to the needs of older people with age-related conditions. It's suitable for seniors with hip or knee replacements as well as for those with long-term health conditions such as osteoporosis and heart disease. Best of all, even this gentle form of yogic exercise was shown to benefit mental and social well-being as well as aspects of physical function.

To find a yoga class near you go to


Yoga has long been associated with physical strength, balance, and flexibility, but recent research uncovers its profound effects on brain health. Studies show that yoga practitioners exhibit improved functional brain connectivity, better cognitive aging, and increased levels of brain-protective proteins. The practice also reduces inflammation, stress hormones, and the risk of age-related cognitive decline. Additionally, yoga supports physical mobility, mental well-being, and social engagement, making it an ideal exercise for aging individuals. Whether you are new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, science now confirms that incorporating this ancient discipline into your routine can significantly benefit both your body and mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can yoga really improve memory and cognitive function?

Yes, studies show that yoga enhances brain connectivity and supports cognitive aging by increasing protective proteins and reducing inflammation.

How often should I practice yoga to see brain health benefits?

Research suggests that practicing yoga at least twice a week can lead to measurable improvements in brain function and memory over time.

Is yoga beneficial for seniors with limited mobility?

Absolutely! Gentle forms of yoga, such as Chair Yoga or Gentle Years Yoga, are specifically designed for seniors with physical limitations and still offer cognitive and physical benefits.

What specific yoga poses help with brain health?

Poses such as Tree Pose, Downward Dog, and Warrior II, along with meditation and controlled breathing techniques, have been linked to improved brain function.

Does yoga help with stress-related memory issues?

Yes, yoga reduces cortisol (the stress hormone) and promotes relaxation, which can enhance memory retention and prevent stress-related cognitive decline.

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